Move the boxes in dots


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For the most strategic minds we come with the best addictive strategy game to put your brain to great challenges.Move the boxes in dots is a free strategy brain puzzle game, in which all the boxes have to move on their corresponding colored dots to win the level!Simple game to play, just tap a box to move one square in arrow direction printed on the box.If a box is moved in a square with arrow sign, all boxes will change direction toward arrow direction printed on square.Move the boxes in dots is a strategy brain puzzle and logical game that is entertaining but at the same time challenging.Move the boxes in dots it's a perfect strategy game to improve your mental skills. Hours of fun with easy touch controls and nice graphics.
RULES:* Only one box can be pushed at a time.* All boxes are moved in direction indicated by the arrow.* The box can't move through boxes or walls.* The puzzle is solved when all your boxes are on their corresponding colored dots.* Level time is limited, you may choose betwin 2 and 3 minutes per level.
If you like chess, go or other strategic mental games, then this game is perfect for you.
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